2 Signs Your Cedar Fence Is In Need Of Repair
Choosing to go with a cedar fence is an excellent decision and one that will provide you with a gorgeous fence that is also very durable. However, just like any other type of fence, it may need to be repaired from time to time. If you think that you may be in need of a fence repair, then it is in your best interest to hire a professional for the job. They will be able to diagnose the problem and give you an estimate before they ever begin. Here are two signs that may indicate your cedar fence is in need of repair.
Rotting Boards
If you notice that one or more of the boards on your fence are beginning to rot, these should be replaced right away. If a board is rotting, then it will begin to fall apart and the wood will splinter. This often can happen along the bottom of the fence where moisture can gather. Replacing each board that is rotted will help to make it look much better and will also help ensure that it stays stable.
Your Fence Is Leaning
If you notice that your fence is starting to lean to one side or the other in certain areas, this is a sign that the overall structure of your fence is compromised. One or more of the main fence posts may no longer be held securely in place in the concrete, thus making the fence lean. A professional will be able to come in and replace any and all fence posts that need to be replaced in order to create a strong fence for you once again.
To learn more signs that your cedar fence is in need of repair, or to hire a professional to come and look at your cedar fence today, visit us at Woodcrafters Fencing.